my 5th night in dubai
worst flight ever cos im really sick
had been having a bad stomach
nothing goes in but theres always sth coming out
cant really eat these few days
i had just lost 3 kg cos of this
a stunningly 40kg now
and operating flights had been a nightmare
dizzy spells and kept feeling nauseous
dunno whats happening
i really miss going back home
cant even walk for long now
right now, i am having the urge to throw up
even drinking water doesnt help
cos i just feel like throwing up whenever i tried to eat or drink
i called bei ytd and cried while i complained to him abt it
its really unbearable
im in a foreign country with no friends or family
around to care for me when im so sick
i just wish SQ could terminate me
so i dont have to pay the bond
why the fuck in the 1st place did i go for the interview